Saturday, June 9, 2012

How to Create a Hibernate Shortcut key in Windows

I don't shut down my laptop when i am done at office. I hibernate my laptop so that i can open my laptop at home and start working where i left my work or  next day start the work from same place where i left. In Windows XP to hibernate you have to do Start - > Shut Down and then select Hibernate from drop down. What if you have option like Windows + d or Windows + L (generally daily in use).

I will help you to create same kind of Short Cut key for Hibernate mode for your windows laptop or desktop.

Step 1: Right click on the desktop and select New -> Shortcut

Step 2: Type this into the location field:
C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0

 Step 3: Name it whatever you would like: and Finish

Step 4 (optional): Change the icon to something meaningful. Right click on the shortcut, and select Properties. In the Shortcut tab, choose "Change Icon". You can use the default icons in there, or choose from the power icons by clicking browse, and typing this:


 Select any of icon which you like and icon for your Hibernate_Shortcut is ready.

Step 5 :  Right Click on Hibernate_ShortCut - > Properties -> Shortcut -> Short cut key
Select short cut key field and press some key example : Ctrl + h. Your selected key will be shown there.
Now click on save and you are done.

To test press Ctrl+h and your laptop or computer will go in hibernate mode.

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